Friday, June 26, 2015

Jami ul-Kamil by Muhaddith dhiya ur rahman hindi madani

This shaykh is originally from india . Belonged to a staunch upper class hindu brahmin family. Today he is a legend in making.  He has received his saudi citizenship as well. Before  i share the details of the book and his bio, i'd like to say quickly that i spoke the shaykh few times and the last time i spoke to him he asked me if i would volunteer to translate this book of his in english. He also said gather your friends and i can also arrange some payment for you. Subhanallah, usually its the other way around with such famous shuyukh. People pay them heavily but the shaykh's love to have ilm circulated made him offer me this amazing opportunity. I told him i will see if i can gather some people and get back to him but my schedule and other responsibilities prevented me from doing it. The shaykh is a highly qualified shaykh whom i used to call to discuss mustalah /uloomul hadeeth doubts i had while studying.  he is so busy that he rarely meets anyone . I tried to meet him when i went to madinah from kuwait but things didn't work out. May allah grant the shaykh good health, and more importantly elevate his ranks to the highest stature in the aakhirah and make his efforts a source of barakah for Muslims across the globe. 

He also has other books such as this one published on our other website:

The following is taken from the facebook posts of Brother Muhammad Al Siddiq al-Malizi (from malaysia)

Friday, June 19, 2015

Mutala Qur'an by Shaykh ul-Lugha Lutfur Rahman

Book : Mut`ala Qur'anul-Kareem 
Author : Lutf ur-rahman khan
Published : Lahore
About the book : 7 Volumes ~2000 pages of arabic grammar 

Some of his other books can be found here : 

and here :

His video :

I was informed about this version being out of publishing by brother abdur rafi serrang from Mumbai who gave me the image-shots for the above. 

Friday, June 5, 2015

Hilyatul Awliyah of Abu Nuaym translated by Muhammad Asghar Mughal

Name of the Book : Hilyatul Awliyah 

Author : Imam abu Nua`aym asbahani as-shaf`i 

Translator : Muhammad Asghar Mughal

About the Book : 

Hilyatul Awliya wa Tabaqaatul Asfiya (The Adornment of the Saints and the Ranks of the Spiritual Elite) provides with glimpses in to the lives of more than 200 awliya (saints) of this ummah in the first three to four centuries. The Arabic if approx in 6000 Pages in 12 volumes but this is only in 649 pages or so. 

The book sold in Abû Nu`aym's lifetime in Naysabûr for four hundred gold dinars and received many editions to our time. Ibn Kathîr praised the work as an illustration of the author's strength in hadîth narration. Ibn al-Subkî relates that this book was among Shaykh ul-Allamah Taqi ud-deen as-subki al-Asha`ri favorite works. Abu Nu`aym stated the following in his introduction:

I have compiled a book that comprises the names, narrations, and sayings of a number of personalities among the most eminent verifying Sufis and their Imams, arranged in the order of their biographical layers (Tabaqaat) and including those famous for abundant worship together with their methods. It begins with the time of the Companions, their Successors, and those who came after them.

The Issue of visiting the blessed grave Translated by Muhammad Sadiq Khaleel

Name of the book : Radd al-Ikhnai - translated name : Roze Aqdas ki Ziyarat 

Author: Imam Ahmad ibn `Abdul Haleem Ibn Taymiyyah (D. 728 A.H) 

Publisher : ادارہ ترجمہ و تالیف و الا شاعت ۔فیصل آباد

About the Book : In this book Ibn Taymiyyah (D. 728 A.H) rahimahullah refutes the notion of specififically travelling to visit the grave of the prophet (sallalahu `alayhi wa sallam) in the light of reason and revelation and quoting many scholars on the way to support his stance. 
